Saturday, 31 March 2012

Chill time

Where has the good weather gone? Its back to being grey and cold, never mind!
Jack and Jude were very good last night and slept in till 9am which was great. Thismorning they had a game of swingball then we took all the dogs out for a walk, it was nice to get them all out at the same time.

Lawna the golden retriever joined us this morning. She came once before for 3 weeks last year and was a very easy girl to have around. Toby the black lab joined us tonight, again another regular, hes been coming to us since he was a tiny weenie baby at 9 weeks old. He is now a BIG boy!!

This afternoon we went to see Joseph and his amazing technicolour dreamcoat at the theatre on the pier. Its been years and years since I last saw it in London with Jason Donavan. It was Jacks first time, I think he enjoyed it!

1 comment:

  1. How did you put the joseph poster on? I'm v. impressed. Jack fast asleep!
