Doris sporting the latest look in doggie sanitary wear! |

For this reason I keep a pair of dog pants and sanitary towels, doggie ones!!! Thankfully they fit Doris perfectly so I have added a photo of her modeling the latest look in doggie sanitary wear! LOL
Ambrose is very very interested in her, even though he's had all his tackle cut off! He perked up no end when she arrived and hasn't left her alone, not that Doris minds, she's lapping up the attention. Orwell has fallen in love with her tail, he has a thing for tails, he grabs it near the top and pulls hard, and Doris being the laid back girl she is takes it all in her stride and doesn't mind at all.
More fun in the park this afternoon with Ambrose and Orwell, and Jack on his new JD Bug scooter!
We found the swing ball game in the shed today, I totally forgot we had it ,so Jack made the most of the nice evening and spent ages out in the garden playing on it with his friend Jude who is also going to be staying for a sleepover, fingers crossed they sleep through the night and have a good lie in, I know I could certainly do with one!
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