Madge is happy, she has more friends to stay today, 3 day dogs, Maggie the lab, Truffle the little westie and Orwell a 5 mth old dashund. He came to visit us a few days ago and today is his trial day to see how he gets on.
He seems to have settled in really well. He and Truffle seem to have hit of off. As soon as he got here they spent about an hour playing, non-stop charging like a couple of loons! I then took the 3 of them for a walk, Madge did the school run thismorning and will do again thisafternoon so she stayed at home.

I put Truffle and Orwell onto the double lead,Orwell thought it was great. He spent the whole time trying to play with Truffle, all she wanted to do was get on with her walk, it was very amusing! I took some film of them but I keep making the mistake of holding my phone the wrong way, so when its transferred onto the computer its either sideways or upsidedown! I will have another go filming them the next time he is here.
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