Woke up to yet another lovely day. Breakfast in the garden, which the dogs thought was ace.
I took them all out for their walk before the real heat set in, so all were done by 10.30am, glad I did that as it was yet another very hot day.
We stayed in all morning, Jack and Jude (who stayed last night) had a water gun fight in the garden, both were totally drenched!
Peach and Buddy headed off home first thing, but I must put a picture on of Peach and Dee I took yesterday, its sooooo sweet!
Last nights Jubilee celebrations at Jacks school went well. Jack and his mates has a great time. I made some cupcakes for the cupcake competition. I kind of cheated as I bought them from Tescos, but I did decorate them as Elmo from Sesame Street. Guess what? They won! LOL
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