Tuesday, 8 May 2012


Walking home from the school run thismorning I noticed a load of bluebells sitting around the base of a tree. My iphone camera is pretty rubbish but still took a photo of them, although the colours haven't really come out as well as they looked for real. Everything is looking a bit dull and gloomy because of the rubbish grey weather, even the blossom tree looks really sad!

Django, Paddy and Poppy have all had a long walk along the seafront, thankfully no fish was found by the Popster today! Harvey the lab puppy is back for his second stay, he bounded in very excited to see the others, its such great socialisation for him!

This evening its was Cubs. Jack wanted me to stay and help as his friends dads helped tonight, we all went to the beach to do some beach combing and then some sketching. The kids found loads of crabs, a few small fish and loads of muscles. Rueben found a big metal ern! We all thought it might have once held someones ashes! We did have a good laugh. Callum wanted to hold the bucket containg fish, crabs etc, so I said that was fine but to be very careful not to drop it! Well what did he do?, he turned round, ran off, slipped on the slimey stones and went flying, no idea where the fish ended up!
Whilst I was searching for critters my phone rang, someone enquiring about boarding their dog with us, so I wondered off away from everyone else so I could hear them talk. After the call I started my search for crabs again only to find something you don't expect to find on the beach, thankgoodness there were no kids with me, although they would have found it equally as hilarious. I'm not sure I should post the picture onto the blog but I can't resist it, so sorry if I offend anyone but I will title it "The Cock 'n' Balls"

Again sorry if this offends anyone, but I think its hilarious! LOL

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