Truffle is with us again for the day, so is Holly who was here last week. I really do think this is the last of the nice days, apparently wet and very cold tomorrow, so I made the most of the last of the sun by sitting in the garden between walks enjoying the rays with the dogs.

I started reading the book Itch, written by Simon Mayo, the radio DJ. We have had the book a while but seeing his mum this morning (when she dropped off Holly) reminded me it needed reading so thought I would give it a go. I am not much of a reader, but I got to page 164 so I must be enjoying it. Its for kids really, its about a 14yr old boy who loves science and comes across a strange rock which is radioactive! Apparently the critics say it could be the next big thing like Harry Potter, and they are already talking about making a film about it!
Today we say goodbye to Ambrose. He seems to have become part of the furniture around here, he has fitted in so well over the last 9 days. Lawna also goes home tonight as do the day dogs Truffle and Holly, so all thats left is Toby and Doris. We have more arriving tomorrow!
yesterdays pic of Marjorie made her look SOOO sad...she'll be happy to have the boy back tomorrow!