Friday, 6 April 2012

Easter Cake

Who needs an excuse to bake a cake?

As its easter this weekend, and my birthday on monday (21 again!) I thought it the perfect excuse to make a nice big chocolate cake!
Filled with thick cream and decorated with grated choc and mini chocolate eggs. OOh yes yumbo scrumbo!
I took the cake, after having spent 50 minutes, yes 50 minutes whisking the cream thismoring! (lost my whisker) to my mum and dads. Jack and I popped over to pick up a couple of long benches to use in my garden to put the pots on, hopefully this will stop any naughty dogs from destroying and digging up any plants that may be lucky enough to grow as they will be higher off the ground.
The cake went down a treat! although after 2 slices I felt a little peeky!

Madge was very happy to see her best mates George and Jaz and they all charged around the garden have a hooly! A hooly is when a dog or dogs run at high speed, bum sucked underneath them, as they race in circles trying as hard as they can to avoid objects! Its very entertaining to watch.


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