Sunday, 29 April 2012

Rain ,rain go away!

I have been very slack over the last few days with the blog, mainly because I've not had anything to report and there have been no dogs staying since Jinny, Ruby and Megan left on friday. Truffle did join them on thursday, I have added a photo of her and Megan, I interupted them whilst they were playing and both look a little puzzled as to why I called them!

On saturday afternoon Mischief returned for her holiday. She has settled in quicker than any other dog I know, even before her owner left she was crashed out fast asleep at the foot of the sofa. If only all dogs were as chilled and easy as her, it would make life very easy. Shes a collie and about 11yrs old, they aren't totally sure on her age as she was a rescue. Apart from when shes eating or in the garden she pretty much hasn't moved from the position you see her in in the photo.
I have to say its a little worrying as to how quiet I am at the moment, although I did look at the last few years worth of diarys and the end of April was also very quiet, I guess after easter and before the summer people are tending not to go away. Things pick up again by the end of the week and I am getting pretty busy again once into May, but theres still space for more should anyone decide to book anything last minute!!

Ruby and Megan on fridays walk
The weather, once again, is horrendous today. I shall take out Madge and Mischief soon, wrapped up in hat, scarf (anyone would think its winter still) , gloves and rain coat, but apart from that I think we might just stay in. If it brightens up later we might pop out and do something, but I'm not holding my breath!
Jack seems happy enough as Jude stayed over again last night. They are happily keeping themselves busy, at the moment by drawing, heres a pitcture Jack has just given me, a little artist in the making I think!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Drought! what drought?

Wet, wet, wet. How on earth can there be a drought?
So fed up with this weather but then I think everyone is.

Today we still have the little cairns with us, Jinny, Megan and Ruby and also Tilly for her wednesday stay.

A dog called Mischief came to visit this morning and she will be coming back on saturday for a weeks holiday.

Cool Dude
I meant to add this picture to the blog on sunday. I think its great, Madge waiting patiently for George and Jaz to arrive for the walk along ferring beach. It was a little sunny so thought she might like to wear a pair of sun glasses.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

So many dogs!

Maggie,Madge and Dillon
Talk about last minute bookings. On friday I had just one dog booked in for today, little Truffle, then over the weekend the 3 cairns, Jinny, Megan and Ruby booked in, yesterday Maggie booked in then this morning as I was returning from collecting Truffle, Dillon and his owner were sat outside my house waiting for us!
I had no idea he was coming, I have never made that mistake before, I have him booked in for friday, maybe I made the mistake, I don't know, but he's here now and a very happy boy as he loves coming. I must check later with his owner to see if he wants him here friday too!
So thats 6 dogs here today, all have been walked, all are happy, all are snoozing so for me, bliss!

Jinny , Megan and Ruby have been to stay with us many times over the last few years so they know how to make themselves at home. Maggie has also been here a lot, usually for day visits and we all know Dillon and Truffle as they seem to feature on the blog every week.


Monday, 23 April 2012

No Dogs!

Well I missed blogging yesterday. Rocco, Carla and Nellie all went home and Jack, Madge and I met my mum for a walk along Ferring Beach.

I am adding some photos of Jack that I took yesterday of him in his new swimming gear. He has his first swimming lesson at school today and they have to wear a cap, much to his disgust, but I think he looks great in it, goggles an all!!

I have no dogs today so its going to be a nice quiet day. Once again its pouring with rain so I'm quiet glad I have none to walk. Madge came on the school run before the rain and will collect Jack this afternoon when we go and pick him up.
I will be back tomorrow with more dog stories as I have 4 arriving tomorrow!

Saturday, 21 April 2012


Rocco obviously thinks that Jude needs a wash!
Shlurpy shlurp shlurps!
Rocco and Carla made the most of Jack and Jude being on the bed this morning as you can see. Being asleep on the bed seems to be their favourite thing to do, as all of the photos show, they aren't really into playing, just relaxing.

There have been a lot of showers today, one minute its pouring, the next its sunny, so really annoying as its hard to know what to wear when going out. We seemed to time it right and missed the showers! Phew!
Jude stayed over last night and went back home just a little while ago. I took the boys swimming at lunch time and they had the big inflatables alsault course out, it reminded me of Wipeout, for those that have seen it on tv you'll know what I mean. Jack completed the course on the 3rd try, I thought he'd never do it!

Madge finds it tough being a basset!!

Nellie's a good girl, a little squeaky but I think thats down to being old. One thing she gets excited about is food, I don't think I have ever met a basset with such a great love of food, thats normaly the spaniels and labs! She's looking at me now with those big droopy eyes "wheres my dinner?" so I think I had better go feed them all before I get into trouble!

Friday, 20 April 2012

No rain!! Whoop Whoop!

Sunshine, no rain, excellent!
I have heard that May is going to be the coldest for 100yrs, I wonder if thats going to be true? If it is, I am going to be sooooo ready to get on that plane to fly to Florida in June, its around 28* out there at the moment! Voonderbar!


Clemmie and Madge had a great run up on High Salvington thismorning, I thought I would try and tire out Clemmie before she went home as shes going later, not sure its worked but never mind.
Lovely Nellie the bassett arrived first thing so she came out on the second walk with Carla and Rocco. Carla still behaved exceptionally well even with Rocco in tow. The fact she was quiet rubbed off on Rocco and both behaved very well!

Thursday, 19 April 2012


Theres no way I that this film clip is going to get left off the blog. Its of the best dog that has ever walked this earth, DAISY!!!
If there was ever a dog that could be a clown its Daisy, she was the funniest and most amusing dog ever!
This is a clip of her speaking, singing, whatever you want to call it but she did it all the time. Don't blink or you might miss it, its a very short clip.

Gold Awards

A film clip of the happy bunch I have here today, Madge, Clemmie, Poppy, Truffle, Rocco, Carla and Lulu.
Lulu and Poppy are heading home later on and of course Truffle who is here just for the day. Tonight will seem really quiet.

One things for sure, Clemmie will really miss Poppy when shes goes. When they aren't sleeping they are playing all the time.

and finally.........Jack's GOLD AWARD

At Jacks school today they held a little awards ceremony for Year 4 & 5. The top 6 children in each class to get over 90 housepoints were given the Gold Award. Somehow Jack got 259 housepoints! Mind you he worked very hard on his take home tasks, the dragon paper mache sculpture and the dragon collage. They also get house points for home work, being helpful at school and work done at school.
So we are all very proud of Jack for working so hard last term......but the big question is............will it continue? LOL Fingers crossed it will.

Jack receiving his award from the Headmaster

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


At least yesterday the weather cleared up in the afternoon and the sun came out! Today, blah! horrible, nasty, wet, windy, GROTTY!!
Still all the hounds have to be walked. My jeans are now on the radiator for the second time drying. Walking to school this morning we got totally drenched, even Madge and Clemmie were racing to get home, I don't think they were happy to have the wind howling across their faces and rain belting down on them!
The other 4 little ones went out together, Rocco, Carla, Poppy and Lulu. Again Carla was so much better and that was even in Rocco's company.

Everyone seems to have dried off now and all are crashed out around my feet and on beds.
I have just had a little Cocker poo called Cleo come for a visit. Shes a hearing dog for the deaf. She was so sweet and is coming for a couple of days next month.

Because of the nastyness outside I have decided to do nothing else today (apart from collect Jack from school later) and stay in, taking the opportunity to go through some really old photos I found on dics a couple of days ago. There are so many but I have chosen 4 to post on here today. One is of Daisy, Mudgee and Indy our 3 cocker spaniels. Daisy is holding the toy, she was the eldest and the Granny. Mudgee is her daughter, and finally Indy at the bottom is the grand daughter. None of them are with us anymore, but they will never be forgotten! Don't you just love the bows!

The other 3 pictures are of 2 horses  I looked after about 17 years or so ago. For those of you that don't know, I worked, taught and trained horses for years until I had Jack. It was then I turned to the smaller 4 legged variety and started to look after dogs instead. I knew them both from the day they were born, Tiger Lily and Mr. Browning. I bottle fed Tiger Lily for about a week when she was born as her mother died. It took a while to find a suitable foster mother for her. Both of them went on to become Champion Show horses. The picture of the two of them was taken from the Horse and Hound magazine.

Mr.Browning at Hickstead
Mr.Browning and Tiger Lily

 The final picture is of me on Mr.Browning on a very very cold frosty morning. I love the icicles on his whiskers, ears and forlock!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

A long day!

Its been a long day and I'm shattered so heres a few snap shots of the day!
Oh yes, Carla was a really really good girl on the walk today, virtually no barking so my cunning plan worked!

Rocco and Carla


Poppy and Clemmie

Poppy and Cemmie, still playing

Rocca and Carla, still sleeping




Monday, 16 April 2012

Back to school

It was nice to get back into my usual routine today of dropping Jack off at school and getting all the dogs walked before lunchtime. Madge and Clemmie came on the school run today then we walked home via the parks and seafront. We met a couple of our other doggie friends on our way back so ended up being out for ages.
Once back from that walk little Lulu arrived for her holiday. Shes a little scruffy terrier cross, really tiny, but not worried about being surrounded by loads of bigger dogs.
I then took Poppy, Carla and Lulu out for a walk. Carla is such a little monster, she gets hyperly (not sure there is such a word) excited when shes goes out and will bark and bark at the traffic and anything thats passes by her, wheelchairs, bikes, sometimes people and she pulls like a steam train. She is a lot better than she used to be and also when shes not walked out with her partner in crime, Rocco.
Walk number 3 was Rocco and Pebbles!

I have a plan for tomorrow, something I havent tried before, but its worth a shot! I am going to pop a harness onto her, which I hope will stop the pulling and try taking her out with the bark collar on. A little squirt of air on her chin might be all it takes, on the other hand it might make no difference but its worth a try. To Rocco and Carlas mum and dad, if your reading this, check out the blog tomorrow to see if its worked!

I love this photo of Madge, Clemmie and Pebbles checking out my jam tart! Anyone would think they had been starved for days on end!

Pebbles went home this afternoon, her owners weren't surprised that she could open the door, apparently she does it at home all the time, something they forgot to mention to me LOL

Sunday, 15 April 2012

World of Adventures

A well deserved day off from the dogs today!
Instead of being kennel maid for the day I took Jack and his friend Jude to Chessington World of  Adventures where we met my brother David with his girlfriend Helen, her kids and his daughter, Jacks cousin, Holly. We had a great day, although it was freeeeeezing. I am so glad that David had taken a spare fleece as without it I would have died. I HATE THE COLD!!!
I went on the Vampire ride for the first time in about 20yrs, it was brilliant, as was the new Cobra ride.(below)

To all doggie owners out there, don't fret, your doggies were all looked after very well today and walked by Phoebe, a neighbour of mine, whos always there to step into my shoes if I get the chance to escape for the day (its not often enough really, as you all know dogs are such a tie).
Apparently Pebbles has discovered how to open the door leading into the breakfast room, she gets onto the sofa and pushes down the handle, cheeky little monkey, she will have to sleep in the kitchen tonight or I will be getting disturbed with lots of wet dog kisses in the night!
Coco went home this afternoon, I'll miss Coco, shes such a lovely dog, and heres a photo of Rocco and Carla as promised. I just love the look on Roccos face, its the "who me" look

Madge went over to my friends house for the day (Judes mum Nina), we did a swap, I had her son, she had my dog! For a second day running she disgraced herself but this time it was worse than rolling in fox poo! this time she ATE poo, not just any poo but Queenies poo straight out of her potty.(Queenie is Judes 2 yr old sister and is totally besotted with Madge)
Jack and I found their dressing up box so like the big child I am, dressed up jack in a fetching red wig and then found us each a pair of groovy specs!

Well I think we look good! LOL

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Highdown run

We met my mum again up on Highdown today with George and Jaz.
I only took Clemmie and Madge but they had a great time, look at Clemmies face, such a happy girl.

Madge totally disgraced herself.....again!!!!
She rolled firstly in horse poo, not so bed I guess, but then in FOX POO!!!!
BAAAAAAdddddd dog! I thought I was going to die driving home, breathing in the toxic fumes!
So poor old Madge ended up in the bath having a shower!
Well it served her right!

I can still smell the aroma of poo!

Bonnie and Lucy went home at lunchtime and Rocco and Carla arrived soon after. They are two very sweet little cavaliar spaniels who have been to stay few times. I will post some photos of them tomorrow.

Bonnie and Lucy enjoying a good play just before they went home

Friday, 13 April 2012

Circus and sunshine

Well its been a nice warm day today, that was unexpected!
All the walks thismorning were lovely as it was so still, no wind, no rain, just niceness! Just as well really as I had to go out 3 times, it sure makes the job nicer when its good weather. All the dogs seemed very waggy and happy, something in the air perhaps?

Pebbles joined us first thing, shes a "larger than life" beagle! Infact I think I might re christen her The Rock, rather than Pebbles, as shes as solid as one, thats for sure!
Dillon went home thisafternoon, time flies, it doesn't feel like hes been here for 5 days!
Coco and Clemmie
In the afternoon we went to Freds Flying Circus at Brooklands park. As it was such nice weather we decided we would walk there, well I walked, Jack and his friend scootered!We met a load of our friends there, the whole audience was pretty much made up of people we knew! Afterwards Jack went back to Louis house to play whilst I walked back, and borrowed my friends dog, I feel odd walking without a dog, and as she had taken Doris to the park I said that if she liked I would walk her home! I think Doris was more than happy to get an extra walk!