So our holiday is over and we are back home, infact we have been back for 4 days now but I have been suffering from terrible jetlag so I that is why I haven't ventured onto the blog untill now.
Its strange being home after such a busy two weeks, but things are already back to normal, strating from the day we returned as Jessie and Charlie arrived for their holiday. On monday a newbie, Harvey arrived. Hes a little westie and is as happy as larry to be here. Its his birthday tomorrow so will have to remember to give him an extra treat or two.
Harvey the choc lab, Tilly and Dillon have all been for their daily visits this week and today Poppy has come back for a few more days. As always she was so excited to see eveyone!
I haven't got round to taking anymore doggy pics just yet but will do, so for now a few more holiday snaps!
How's the jet lag? Bet you're glad to be back to this weather...midsummer day today....days start getting shorter!!